Only some days ago the first track to our soundtrack for Operation: Hellstorm was uploaded. After a large delay of updates, we bring you Into The Hellstorm. We think it is pretty kick ass, but what are your opinions on it? The composer behind the track is Steve Cupani.
Evidently we have not stopped working on Operation: Hellstorm (HellstormFPS), and also we have shown I hope that we are not rushing neither creating a game through taking shortcuts. Although we have had some schedule delays at the moment, as a small new Independent Developer we are focusing on doing things right and providing quality in our work.
With regards to those delays, well for starters there was a relocationing that took place. Then there is some restructuring for some last company details that are still being decided. Then there was (is) some external technical issues which are currently being solved so we can continue our work with better fluency. But above all, there is the limited budget. Think we have our hands full? You are right, we do.
The first Crowd Funding campaign was a "test" of the waters, and evidently didn't do that much for the title in development. We will continue with Crowd Funding Campaigns in the future.
Despite all this, we are still working on Operation: Hellstorm and with an even higher attention to quality I might add. Our resolve is not compromised, on the contrary, we are even more determined to make the title work.
For starters there has been a major reworking on a lot of the content and details to Operation: Hellstorm, and it is at a place in terms of Design much better than even when we started it. Whilst the art direction is starting to settle in and so are some other elements. Content creation is starting to become a blast the more we work on it (although quite time consuming for the amounts of detail we are including) and generally speaking Operation: Hellstorm is already a part of our heart and ambitions now.
There is however a rather large issue with the budget to the title, and we feel like we are already doing a Hell of a lot with less, but we do not know how long this can last at this pace. Meaning, the projected dates of an Alpha Release in November are starting to look slimmer as time passes.
Evidently we need help from the FPS crowd out there. We are regardless going to make the title. The question is, in what year is it going to be released? >.<
Well that depends on you, the one that votes for products being made with your wallet.
p.s. It has also come to our attention that a portion of you are "waiting" to see more from Operation: Hellstorm to make up your minds about it. Unfortunately without a budget this wait might be longer than you expected. And realistically, one can't really expect fast results from a new developer that pitched an idea to collect a budget towards that idea, and is still working with a budget at a bare minimum at the moment. It's just common sense really.
Here is to looking forward to the future, we hope our future campaigns can create a little more of a "bang" for you all and although it is a hard process, we are still moving forward with Operation: Hellstorm ;) We are counting on the help from the FPS crowd at that point to help make this a reality sooner, and can't wait to reach the day we meet you all online with a couple head-to-head Deathmatches.