Midi-Chlorians, the worst thing ever. They destroyed Star Wars. They ruined our childhood. They.... well... did they? Really?
Lets keep this short as not to beat around the bush.
The problem is not what the Star Wars Prequels brought to the table, the problem is peoples short sighted perspective. Which then means it is their problem and not the lore, as they are the ones that never understood it to begin with. So lets get to it.
1) Midichlorians are in everyone and everything, they bind the universe. Some have more, some have less.
Is this is no different to the classics?
In the classics the force is in everything, but only some are strong in the force.
"The force is strong in you" and other similar remarks, with a stretch even the notion that Luke is their last hope points to the simple fact that how strong the force is does not reside to chance alone or training, but also the individual.
Some are stronger, some are not. Such notions as "the force is not biological and anyone can train in it" that have fans upitty wapitty flaky funky cranked are more from conceptions created in games and other lore aside from the films that some could not be justified or compared to the lore in the classic films. Hence, should be as much debunked as the prequels but apparently are not.
Not that this is not true, but it also does not in any way reduce the fact that some simply will be born stronger in the force. The notion also some have kept, that Luke trained from nothing as a nobody into the force hence anyone can do it is also wrong (although a good inspiration for children looking up at a reachable hero on a symbolical level). Clearly, he was not some nobody.
"The Force is strong in my family, my father has it, I have it, and my sister has it".
Have what exactly? Call it what you will, they have something that others do not!
Even in the classics people are born with it. We clearly see that just because Leia and Luke are Anakins' children, they are force sensitive and strong in the force. Is that not biological? Is that any different to what Midi-chlorians explained?
2) The Jedi order was centuries old, it had archives, an established foundation and an entire force sensitive populace that was involved in nothing more but the force.
This is translated into reality and science. What the ancients called "we are all one" could easily be described by today's scientists as "we are all made from the same stuff, and once we were all but 1 or 2 elements when the Big Bang occurred".
One does not contradict the other. On the contrary, the second supports the first. It is evidence from a far more advanced human race by comparison that is able to research beyond the limitations experienced prior to that period.
End of the day, people that cannot accept midi-chlorians are no different to those cave people that can't accept a scientific theory simply because it makes things "too real" for them. On the contrary, those scientific theories or experiments can prove the very existence of their own beliefs and add to them.
This can translate just fine into Star Wars as well. The prequels and the classics add to the same structure of the force. The Jedi order were simply much more advanced and had been able to accumulate actual proof of the force, not just "a feeling" of it.
Maybe this was a little too evolved for some people? In all seriousness I personally put two and two together on the go so it baffles me as to how it was such a huge issue, hence now I am here to keep it short and simplify things for some to wrap their logic around something so simple.
From the go, as soon as we knew that we are going into a film were the Jedi are an established order of generations, I expected to see as much and their technological or scientific prowess in all things around the force did not surprise me at all.
On the contrary, I would be really angry if they depicted them as some dogmatic religion with people in robes that had little depth in what their teachings were about.
As promised, I kept it short. I can go on and on, but really whats' more to say? Midi-chlorians can really be explained from these 2 points. The one point justifies its existence due to different time periods (and technology) the other proves it works the same way in both classics and prequels.
I only hope that, as George Lucas said, the force isnt turned into some googly goop going forth.
Sure, I can understand that some might be annoyed that "too much is explained" about something they considered mystical and what not. But that is a matter of personal opinion really, and not something objective, hence not something wrong with the Prequels neither the logical fact that the Jedi knew more about the force even on a scientific level.
As far as subjectivity goes, there are also those of us that like all this exactly for that reason. The Force is no longer something mystical, it becomes something more real in this world of sci-fi-fantasy. I would assume in a world of people that prefer scientific facts over hocus pocus religions, that this would have been truly appreciated.
Evidently I was wrong.