Friday, 25 December 2015

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens - DCF SPOILER REVIEW

Here I take apart some of the main plot themes in The Force Awakens, character evolutions, questions the film might have created and what I thought about all these along with the entirety of the film all together. I even try to nitpick whatever I can possibly nitpick in the film and I also go into making some comparisons to the classic trilogy to back up my personal score of a 10/10 that I believe SW7 deserves.

This is a spoiler heavy review, if you are after the Spoiler Free review you will find it here.

The rest of you that don't mind spoilers or have seen the film, move along... move along.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens - MAIN PLOT EXPLAINED

Spoilers ahead (as the title implies), as I dive into giving my thoughts on the SW Episode 7 plot and explaining it along with things that I notice many either complained about or didn't get.

Star Wars - The Force Awakens DCF Review (Spoiler Free)

So the new Star Wars has been out guys, almost a week now. Counting the premier its actually over a week.

Was it any good? Well, here are my thoughts.