Friday 6 December 2013

>> Scionia Update: Archives Menu

Nothing to be seen yet within the site itself at the moment, just glad to announce that the graphics for the Archives Menu are designed and they are now being implemented into the site for the next update.

Work on Chapter 2 continues with hopes (somewhat unlikely) it is complete for uploading along side the Archives Menu and The Crusader Artwork. Completion for the upload to the Timelapse video for the Crusader is also on its way along with a small side-project video still in it's "scripting phase" with purpose of including an all around and general look at digital painting in the form of a tutorial.

As seen in the official Facebook Page for Scionia and my personal DeviantArt for now, this is the final version of a new character to be introduced in the coming chapters. The Crusader.

Getting ready for possibly one of the last overhauls including changes and additions (Chapter Idle Menus, Navigation Buttons, Chapter/Art Loader Priorities and of course the Archives) for the completed experience to the site for the WebComic as well as better efficiency and loading times for medium and slower connections. The foundation from which everything should be then ready to allow for focus being put into the Chapters and the Artworks themselves alone for each update.

Stay tuned.